A Fond Farewell to Scott Aukerman, IFC, and Comedy Bang! Bang!

Thank you.

Thank you, Scott, for creating a comedy show that’s silly, unique, and consistent. Thank you for continuing to make content week in and week out—since the world always needs more content. Mostly, thank you for letting me be a small part of the Comedy Bang! Bang! universe.

Aukerman Tweet.png

For two and a half years, and 70+ episodes, I have had the insane pleasure of being the unseen voice of Comedy Bang! Bang! on Twitter. IFC took a risk handing over the reigns to me, a person they never met, trusting a CBB fan would take good care of their highly valuable social media asset. You didn’t do the hiring, but I imagine you could have pulled the plug on me at any moment. For over two years, you let me keep on going. Even encouraging me when I asked (begged) for it. 

It’s very much been a dream job for me. I got to watch new episodes long before they aired. I got to try to pick which jokes I thought fans would latch on to. I got to try my hardest to match your tone and comedy style. I even got to meet you, PFT, and the Birthday Boys! And my favorite thing of all was getting to hang out with your fans online every single day. A fav/RT/reply from @ComedyBangBang often elicited excitement and declarations of “this made my day!” That made my day.  I’m going to miss that.

At the end of October, IFC will not be renewing my contract and I’ll cease to exist in the Comedy Bang! Bang! universe.

I will be relinquishing my passwords and CBB access to someone else. It will be a difficult day for me, for sure. It will likely be the second time CBB makes me cry. The first being Reggie’s final episode.[1] And now, it will be my final episode. Though, if I’m forced to have a final episode, I’m glad it’s a Halloween ep. No spoilees, but a CBB Halloween is always a great Halloween. Plus, I can just pretend the tears are part of my costume.

When it’s over, I’ll keep my chin up and tell myself that it’s just “on to the next thing.” The truth will be that the next thing won’t be quite as good—unless season 5 is in need of a green writer[2] who thrives in situations of under 140 characters. I’ll keep doing cool things, but nothing will be Comedy Bang! Bang!

I will still be watching #cbbtv every Thursday at 11P. Or every Thursday at 10. Or 10:30. Or every Friday if IFC so chooses. I’ll be tweeting from @IamChrisTodd instead of @ComedyBangBang. I won’t be getting paid and I’ll get way fewer retweets from celebrities, fans, and Reggie/Cudi. But, I will be laughing. And best of all, I will be a fan.

Thanks again for letting me be a fan and for letting me pretend to be a part of the CBB family for such a long time. I give the whole thing a C+.


Follow-up question: Do you ever play pranks on set?


Scott Aukerman continues to be one of the greatest people and my tenure with IFC and Comedy Bang! Bang! was extended through the end of season 4, with an opportunity to continue for season 5 as well. :)






[1] If we count the podcast, it’ll be cry number three. Episode 336. Mother f***ers just want to laugh.

[2] I’ll also accept a walk-on role as severance.  

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